Music articles
about Monica Cuneo's
workshops and concerts

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Here are a few music articles appeared on some newspapers about my activities: concerts and workshops in Oxford and Italy on how prevent and eliminate pain and aches, injuries and nerves, overcome stage fright related to playing violin and viola.

Click on the images to enlarge them and read the articles

Article about a workshop in Oxford, August 2013
"Taking the pain out of playing" on The Oxford Times's website

Article on The Oxford Times about a concert in Oxford,
performing Mozart's Sinfonia concertante, February 2013

Article on The Oxford Times about a concert in Oxford,
performing Telemann Viola Concerto, October 2008

Article about the workshop in Oxford, August 2012
"Workshop can add another string to your bow"
article on The Oxford Times's website

Music articles about
New Approach workshops in Italy

Article about the workshop in San Ferdinando, RC, Italy, July 2012
Gazzetta del Sud, 20 July 2012

Article about the workshop in San Ferdinando, RC, Italy,
Il quotidiano della Calabria, 25 July 2012

Article about the workshop in Atina, FR, Italy,
L'inchiesta, 22 March 2012

Article about the workshop in Atina, FR, Italy,
Ciociaria Oggi, 23 March 2012

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Monica Cuneo helps violin & viola players play free from pain, injuries and stage fright

I help violin & viola players play freely, without pain, injuries and stage fright.
Click here to learn how

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Monica Cuneo helps violin & viola players play free from pain, injuries and stage fright

I help violin & viola players play freely, without pain, injuries and stage fright.
Click here to learn how

Havas New Approach
Teaching DVD
on the causes and cures of physical injuries in violin and viola playing

Havas New Approach teaching DVD. How to eliminate physical tensions and stage fright related to string playing, violin and viola in particular

With detailed exercises on the release of tension and performance anxiety

Shoulder rest or not?

Recommended readings

Some comments about my viola and violin teaching from my pupils

Articles on Kato Havas and the New Approach

Articles on Kato Havas

Recommended readings to eliminate physical injuries and stage fright

Click on them to read each book's description

I translated them into Italian,
you can see them here

Stage fright
Its causes and cures

A New Approach to violin playing

A New Approach
to violin playing

The twelve lesson course by Kato Havas

The twelve lesson