The most beautiful instrument in
the orchestra, + not
heard enough
as a solo instrument

Both sonatas were beautiful music beautifully played,
especially the Paganini!

It works very well as a solo
instrument when played as beautifully as
Monica does.
wonderful to hear a
solo viola
played so well)

beautiful mellow tone

I felt very lucky +
privileged to hear Monica
play the violin viola, as the last
song she played was my
FAVOURITE classical song!!
I really wished my mum
could've seen it.
I felt very emotional
Thank you!!
(the song was Bach's
Prelude from 1st cello suite)

I like the tune. (tone)
It makes my heart

Thank you for the music!
It made me happy.

To Monica,
thank you for your

Danny Boy, Under the Greenwood.

email received
after a performance of Stamitz
viola concerto

email received
after a performance of Italian music for viola and piano

a teenager girl

I like it

This was a lovely opportunity
for peaceful contemplation
(the vicar wrote this) Monica's
music transported me and revived
my soul. It was wonderful to
have the
sound of
the viola filling the church. A great lunchtime.
beautiful music in a
place, thanks!
VIOLA sounded wonderful.