The workshop in
Atina on the New Approach to string instruments, based on Kató
Havas' works, took place on last Saturday
24 and Sunday 25 March 2012. It was a wonderful occasion, with a good
number of participants, thanks to the word of mouth and publicity done
by the organizers, also with articles on the local newspapers. I warmly
thank them and all participants.
Workshop in Atina - Group photo with the
president of the Associazione Samuele Pagano
click on the picture to enlarge it
The workshop on the New Approach was open to
everybody, especially violinists and violists, teachers,
professionals or amateurs.
Many principles of the New Approach can be applied also to other
instruments and indeed we had a mixed attendance, aged between 13
and 56, which included several violinists,
4 violists, one cellist and one guitarist; among these, 5 teaching professionals (2 from
conservatoires), students of
different levels as well as other
participants who play for their own pleasure, including a
solicitor and even a nun.
The good thing of having such a heterogeneous group of participants is
everyone can see that the
problems are common to nearly everybody and how the application of the
New Approach principles can be of benefit
at all levels, that many things can be improved without waiting
after having worked hard on it for ten years!
In particular, everybody saw how singing
a piece of music with the
rhythmic pulse and the
imagination before playing it
completely changes the way one plays it later, everyone could
experience on
himself and see in all the others the "before" and "after".
We also had a brief conversation through Skype with Kato Havas who sent
us her warm greetings.
See you again at the next occasion!
Another group photo
of the workshop
click on the picture to enlarge it
You too can organize a
workshop, read here how to do
To learn more about the New Approach by Kato Havas:
Watch Kato Havas's workshop, with videos
Teaching DVD:
causes and cures of physical injuries and anxiety
and viola books
Go from New Approach
Workshop in Atina to Kató

The workshop in Atina on the New Approach took place in this beautiful
room of the ancient Palazzo Ducale
Send your e-mail address and name to receive information on next workshops